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Going Organic and Weight Loss – Is it worth it?

Going Organic and Weight Loss – Is it worth it?

Going Organic and Weight Loss – Is it worth it?

Going Organic and Weight LossThere has been much discussion recently about GMO (genetically modified foods) and the concerns and risks of eating such foods. It has been estimated in the United States 80 percent of all foods in supermarkets are GMO; it has even been suggested that baby foods have traces of pesticides. It has been clearly established in the US Food Industry there is a severe problem with an elevated use of antibiotics in raising beef. It has also been noted that foods in Europe have been kept at a high level of supervision and safety and their foods are cleaner and tastier; similar to organic foods in the United States.

So why all this fussing and writing and sharing and pinning and documenting the FOOD Industry. Because of one simple fact: the way Americans have eaten food has changed significantly in the past 20 years. Many Florida residents were used to an agricultural environment growing up; farm to table one can say; but now that type of food which is pesticide free in Florida can often be found in organic food aisles and farmers markets. There is a growing concern that GMO food has highly contributed to obesity and a struggle for weight loss in the United States, including Florida. Weight loss is another buzz word out there in the media. Many are searching why, why are so many Americans struggling with their weight and health. High fructose corn syrup, increased sodium and preservatives are amongst the many ingredients to blame.

At Dr Shillingford’s gastric sleeve surgery practice we are very serious about discussing the importance of eating clean, green and organic if possible. We are learning daily in the medical field of the growing concerns of canned, processed and preserved foods. We are finding that as our gastric sleeve surgery patients are cleaning up their diets they are finding weight loss as an integral part of the process of “eating green and eating clean”; in other words eating organic food. Gastric Sleeve surgery can be a wonderful opportunity to lose weight and reestablish one’s health goals and set point for weight but it is not the complete answer. It is an integral tool that needs nutrition and weight loss practices to be part of one’s lifestyle. By eating more organic foods or cleaner one can note that removing high fat and sugar content can aid in weight loss.

At our Gastric Sleeve Surgery practice we encourage patients read food labels, note sodium and fat contents and monitor calories. Our registered dietician Susan is happy to offer support groups and pointers about good health and weight loss. We encourage you to reach out to us for any further questions you may have.

American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Realize Obesity Help American Medical Association Obesity Medicine UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin