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Sleeve Gastrectomy Takes the Lead

Sleeve Gastrectomy Takes the Lead

Sleeve Gastrectomy Takes the Lead

Sleeve Gastrectomy Takes the LeadResearchers from the Cleveland Clinic have found that sleeve gastrectomy, a procedure where 80 percent of the stomach is surgically removed, has become the most popular form of weight loss surgery, surpassing both gastric bypass and lap band procedures. They reviewed records from nearly 72,000 patients who had bariatric procedures during 2010 through 2013. In 2010, 58.4% of all bariatric procedures were gastric bypass, followed by 28.8% lap band and 9.3% sleeve gastrectomy. But by 2013, 49% of bariatric procedures performed were sleeve gastrectomy, with gastric bypass falling to 43.8% and lap band plummeting to 6%.

The rise of the sleeve gastrectomy was both quick and powerful. Study co-author and director of the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric and Metabolic Institute in Ohio, Philip Schauer, MD, remarked, “In just four years, there’s been a five-fold increase in the number of these operations. This is likely due to a combination of factors including better insurance coverage and more data demonstrating its safety and effectiveness in treating obesity and related diseases.” The trajectory of the sleeve gastrectomy seems to be continuing. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), in 2014 193,000 people had bariatric surgery and an estimated 51.7% of procedures were gastric sleeve, followed by 26.8% gastric bypass, 9.5% gastric band, and 0.4% duodenal switch.

Bariatric surgery has been shown to be the most effective and longest lasting treatment for obesity and its resultant comorbidities. Advancements and improvements in laparoscopic techniques have helped reduce the risk of death from bariatric surgery to 0.1% and overall likelihood of major complications to 4%. With an estimated 78 million adults in 2011-2012 classified as obese, bariatric surgery has the potential to help many millions of Americans reduce their weight and improve their overall health.

Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as gastric sleeve, has its benefits compared to gastric bypass and lap band surgeries. Gastric sleeve surgery is less invasive than gastric bypass, which allows for quicker recovery and less scarring. Patients generally have less side effects from gastric sleeve than gastric bypass, which is known for its possibility of dumping syndrome. In addition, gastric sleeve surgery is generally less expensive than gastric bypass. While lap band surgery is simpler and less invasive than gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, patients do not tend to achieve weight loss results comparable to gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. In addition, lap band patients must have repeated fillings or readjustments of their lap bands to maintain an appropriate pouch size.

The rise of the sleeve gastrectomy surgery has changed the landscape of medical studies, with many studies involving bariatric surgeries now focusing on the long term effects of gastric sleeve surgery in terms of weight loss and its effect on comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. As more and more positive associations are made between gastric sleeve surgery and weight reduction, a rise in interest in gastric sleeve surgery is expected.

To learn more about gastric sleeve surgery, as well as gastric bypass and lap band surgery, attend a free information session with Dr. Shillingford, M.D., P.A., a board certified surgeon specializing in laparoscopic and bariatric surgeries. Dr. Shillingford performs sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and lap band procedures, and can help you decide which bariatric surgery is right for you. His patients come from all over South Florida, including Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and the Palm Beaches. To schedule an informational session at his Boca Raton office call (561) 483-8840.

American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Realize Obesity Help American Medical Association Obesity Medicine UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin